Mansfield: 01623 706020
Nottingham: 0115 7043388
Chesterfield: 01246 386322

Mediation to Assist With Family Arrangements at Christmas

We understand and appreciate that when children are involved in the parents’ separation, it’s difficult to come to a decision that both parents are 100% happy with, and at Christmas this is no exception.

Family Mediation can offer a confidential and safe environment to discuss arrangements over the festive period.

Making arrangements over Christmas

The countdown to Christmas is underway:

  • Advent calendars are being opened
  • Letters to Santa are being written,
  • Christmas songs are being played on a loop
  • Delivery drivers are working non stop
  • Christmas menus are being picked
  • Nativities are being performed
  • Christmas Jumpers are being worn with pride
  • Christmas presents are being wrapped
  • Christmas cards are being written, sent and received
  • Elves are appearing on shelves

We know for many families – particularly separated families – the countdown to Christmas may not be merry and bright, but a time of anxiety, frustration, stress, financial pressure and uncertainty.

Unfortunately, these emotions don’t just disappear.

Family Mediation, can provide families with a safe environment, to explore all of the options available to them, enabling them to establish arrangements over the festive season.

If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties with their arrangements over the festive season and Christmas reassure them it’s not too late.

What are the benefits of Family Mediation?

Family Mediation is a beneficial way of exploring different options in order to work out which will be the best option for you, your partner, and children. The process requires patience and communication, but with this it can encourage families to come to their own decisions, therefore preventing them from stressful, damaging and costly Court Proceedings.

Mediation sessions take place in a confidential and non-judgemental environment to ensure families feel safe to discuss their problems and anxieties freely, in order to make arrangements for the future.

The sessions allow for both parties to come to an amicable agreement regarding financial arrangements and their children.


Many separated families are concerned about the additional financial pressure seeking assistance from professionals may have. Our service offers Free Legal Aid Mediation and financial assistance through the Family Mediation Council (FMC) Voucher Scheme, where individuals are eligible and it is available. These schemes may mean that our services are free or can be undertaken at a substantially reduced rate.

How we can help

We at Midlands Dove Mediation have designed our services to help (subject to your willingness and suitability).

We can assist families quickly and safely regardless of their location using remote video appointments.

Legally aided public Mediation or financial assistance through the Family Mediation Council (FMC) Voucher Scheme is available where individuals are eligible and it is available.

Contact us now to discuss how we may be able to help your family have an enjoyable festive season


Our specially trained mediators are able to provide impartial support across the country, using remote platforms.

In addition we have a network of offices based in: Chesterfield, Nottingham, Mansfield and Derby.

How to make contact

Our team are on hand to help you and can assist wherever you are based. Please email for further information, or complete a referral form.


Using mediation was very useful for my circumstances and was dealt with, very good indeed and things always explained clearly
